Ma Plus Belle Vie

Restaurant Review: Cafe Aunja

Nestled in the lower levels of the strip along Sherbrooke between Cotes-des-Neiges and Rue de la Montagne, Café Aunja is warm and inviting from the moment you step into the space. Houseplants surround the almost dessert-like pale wood creating a secret oasis away from the hustle of the city. 

Served in a hefty mason jar mug, the tea leaves are left loose to sink slowly as the tea steeps. A quick stir with a spoon and the picture perfect cup turns into kind of a mess, if you don’t like bits in your drinks you probably won’t like this, it requires either the consumption of the bits or the use of your teeth as a reverse-balene system. I know, I know, that’s a gross description. 

While the consumption can be a bit of a mess, the flavour itself is enjoyable. Herbal and a bit medicinal it is balanced by the addition of manuka honey. Paired with the intensely flavourful and tender rose cake it makes for a divine afternoon delight.

If you have that alternative yoga girl vibe this place is for you and if you don’t, well you can still enjoy relaxing here, surrounding ourselves with the atmosphere of the people we want to reach allows for better understanding of our readers / clients / target audience. It’s a holistic approach to marketing and style, and one that I highly encourage you to follow. Put yourself in a place where you can get work done whether it is a home office or a favourite cafe. 

This place might just be one of my favourite spots, barring Starbucks with a coconut milk latte (I’m a bit basic sue me). Not only is it a great spot on its own but the close proximity of the downtown core and the Montreal Museum of Modern Art means you can really make a day of visiting the surrounding area. 

Enjoy my Darlings!