From a Place of Love
I am not a doctor – any views expressed here I have researched to the best of my ability but may not reflect your doctors advice or be the right thing for you My story probably isn’t unfamiliar, I think a lot of people suffer from the idea that because they aren’t skinny they aren’t good enough, and these issues are insidious. A 2011 study said 40-60% of elementary school girls already had body image issues. My body image issues began when I hit puberty, my body changed and I was not happy with it. By the time I was in University, my quest for a “perfect” body had turned…
What’s in My Gym Bag
Ah the gym, while it was open it was a haven. While yes sometimes the stares of future gym goers during what was meant to be a private session was annoying and 30 minutes was never long enough for the length of my current training program, it was a place to go to unwind. The gym’s closure has made my gym bag kind of obsolete as I no longer set my stuff down when running but I thought I’d share the equipment that makes my training awesome anyways. I love my pants, love them – while I am happy to throw on a ratty t-shirt or an old racerback, I…
Planning a Healthy Year
I am not a doctor – any views expressed here I have researched to the best of my ability but may not reflect your doctors advice or be the right thing for you Habits are not an easy thing to make or break, it can take anywhere from 21 to 254 days to adopt new habits. A good way to start creating new habits is to first decide what those habits should be. Once this is done you can start planning how to achieve these habits. If you’ve ever met me, you’ll know I’m not the most organized time-conscious person in the world. I do however have a knack for…