Ma Plus Belle Vie
  • Health

    Healthy Hydration

    I am not a doctor – any views expressed here I have researched to the best of my ability but may not reflect your doctors advice or be the right thing for you  You’ve probably heard it before – you should be drinking more water. A widely touted figure is eight eight-ounce glasses a day though this isn’t quite right. Activity levels, other drinking habits (read tea and coffee), thirst level and heat can all play a role in how much you need to consume in a day.  Hydration affects a ton of different body systems too, from affecting your mood and giving you headaches if you haven’t properly hydrated…

  • Hedonism

    A Beautiful Morning

    A Beautiful Morning Good Morning beautiful people – as one of my favourite homesteading gals would say – I hope you slept well and are ready for a wonderful day. So you’ve probably seen a lot of different morning routines out there but I thought I’d share mine. The first step for me is to wake up, usually, this is actually done by my boyfriend who calls me before he goes to work each day around 7 am or so. I am not an early riser, though I’ve tried in the past to become one. He sees me with hair around my face, wandering towards the kitchen like some zombie…

  • Health

    Planning a Healthy Year

    I am not a doctor – any views expressed here I have researched to the best of my ability but may not reflect your doctors advice or be the right thing for you  Habits are not an easy thing to make or break, it can take anywhere from 21 to 254 days to adopt new habits. A good way to start creating new habits is to first decide what those habits should be. Once this is done you can start planning how to achieve these habits. If you’ve ever met me, you’ll know I’m not the most organized time-conscious person in the world. I do however have a knack for…

  • Happiness

    New Year New You

    The year is 2020, I have just graduated from University and in a mere nine days, I will be 26 which is honestly horrifying because I realize that every year that has gone by I have made a resolution and then 2 weeks later I have gone back to my normal routine. I recently stumbled upon my 2018 list which included things like “do yoga every day” and “become a bad*ss”, sorry 2020 Lauren but you still haven’t done either of those things. So this year I’m changing the narrative: I’m not making a resolution. Instead of an unattainable resolution, I will  quite honestly never meet I have decided that…