Ma Plus Belle Vie
  • Health

    From a Place of Love

    I am not a doctor – any views expressed here I have researched to the best of my ability but may not reflect your doctors advice or be the right thing for you My story probably isn’t unfamiliar, I think a lot of people suffer from the idea that because they aren’t skinny they aren’t good enough, and these issues are insidious. A 2011 study said 40-60% of elementary school girls already had body image issues. My body image issues began when I hit puberty, my body changed and I was not happy with it. By the time I was in University, my quest for a “perfect” body had turned…

  • Health

    Quarantine and Quiet

    I hope you’re happy, safe and well right now. What’s going on is unprecedented and I hope that I can bring a bit of happiness to an otherwise uncertain time. While I’m not quarantining I am self-isolating as recommended by the Canadian Government after travel for a period of 14 days. This means reducing interactions with people outside my family. I’m in Montreal right now where things have slowly shut down, no more starbucks trips or restaurant reviews for now.  There are downsides to self-isolation, hello boredom and a desire to eat all the snacks in my kitchen, as well as an inability to follow my exercise regime because the…

  • Health

    Finding Balance

    Work Hard, Play Hard. It’s an age-old adage that promotes a balance between work and pleasure. This balance isn’t always easy, we work hard for the money and sometimes it’s so exhausting that we don’t have time for ourselves. Even rituals like manicures may feel like more of a chore than an actual beauty moment. Finding the balance between working and making time for yourself is critical to your mental health. To start, I wake up a half-hour earlier than I really need to, yes in part because of that call I love getting in the morning but also because it gives me the opportunity to do a little bit…